Our team development program turns ordinary or blow par teams into high performance teams.
A high performance team is a group with specific roles and complementary talents and skills, aligned with and committed to a common vision or purpose. The high performance team is almost an organism in itself, with norms, behaviours and expectations of its own.
High Performance Teams consistently show high levels of collaboration and innovation to produce superior results for your organisation. When Team Emotional Intelligence is maximized – your key teams can perform up to 25% better than average teams.
The team is the most productive unit within the organisation. Teams are used to deliver projects from small sales or innovation projects to huge time sensitive projects costing hundreds of millions of Euros. the time a team takes to knit and start acting productively can be reduced significantly. In some cases a project that might be impossible due to timescale limits may be made possible purely because the time the project team takes to become a high performing unit is reduced.
Team Development and High Performance Teamwork
Team development ensures your team members gell together their unique competencies to become almost greater than the sum of parts. Team development must also include developing the Team Leadership to a more the “enabling” style which empowers and brings out the best from the members. High-performance teams have robust methods of resolving conflict efficiently, so that conflict does not become a roadblock to achieving the team’s goals. There is a sense of clear focus and intense energy within a high-performance team. Collectively, the team has its own consciousness, indicating shared norms and values within the team. The team feels a strong sense of accountability for achieving their goals. Team members display high levels of mutual trust towards each other.
Team development means also teaching the team to support team effectiveness by understanding individual working styles and understanding, recognising and enforcing the norms of the group – whats working well and what is not. Again it is important that the Leadership style is appropriate and conducive to productivity. Adeo can develop the individuals with our Emotional Intelligence (EI) Workshops and Mentoring, Leadership with our LDP and LBP programs and the Teams overall performance by up to 25% with our Team Emotional Intelligence (TEI) Program.